Roxanne Rimstead is a Professor of Comparative Canadian Literature at Université de Sherbrooke. She publishes on cultural studies, poverty narratives, feminist criticism, indigenous literature, life writing, and cultural memory. The Remnants of Nation: On Poverty Narratives by Women (UTP, 2001) won the Gabrielle Roy Prize and a feminist analysis of Emily Carr’s Klee Wyck won the Don D. Walker Prize (USA). She guest-edited Cultural Memory and Social Identity (ECW); and co-edited Prison Writing/Writing Prison (Canadian Literature). In 2009, she and her students created a web bibliography on Culture from Below. In 2017, she co-edited with Domenico Beneventi and Simon Harel La lutte pour l’espace: ville, performance, et la culture d’en bas (PU Laval). Forthcoming from University of Toronto Press in 2019 is Contested Spaces, Counter-Narratives, and Culture from Below in Canada and Québec, co-edited with Domenico Beneventi. She holds honorary titles from Université de Montréal and Universidad de Holguin, Cuba, and has been an invited scholar at McGill University and Université de Bourgogne à Dijon, as well as a member of several editorial boards (Canadian Literature; Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature; Race, Gender, and Class Journal).
For more information on her work and her publications, see the following link: